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Monthly inspiration evenings on topics that interest you

"An event that inspires, stimulates and  gain insights on topics that concern you"

Every last Thursday of the month

Inspiration meets


Learn together, grow together

Meet n' greet with other like-minded people

millennial mastermind

you are the future

They sometimes call the Millennial generation "lost generation". What nonsense! I think this generation has enormous potential.  You are the future and don't be fooled.


What I do see is that this generation is structurally struggling with certain themes. For example, they are often extremely perfectionistic, they suffer from fear of failure, feel enormous pressure to perform and this is often based on a low and weak self-esteem. This is totally  not strange because we,  as a society, have  failed  in preparing you for real life. You should have learned certain things and been given certain tools and you didn't get them. That is why I started and that is why I organize Millennial Mastermind. To give you that life knowledge, concepts and tools that you should have had.

"The knowledge of a life coach, the experience of an experience expert and the power of the group"

what is it

Millenial Mastermind is a monthly inspiration evening where we work on themes that keep you busy. We're going to do this in a fun way and we're going to do this together. Every week I look for an inspiring video or an audio fragment with the theme. After a short introduction  watch this video or listen to the audio clip to kick off the evening. Afterwards I will tell you a bit and I will ask you questions about the video or audio fragment that you have just heard. The reason for this is that everyone hears or sees something different and that is super interesting. Your answers will therefore be the guideline of the evening and based on you and the group's input I will highlight different themes and concepts that come in the audio fragment or the video offer.  


At the end of the evening you will leave with positive energy. you will be inspired  have learned an important concept and even made the first steps towards its implementation in your life. Moreover, you have met like-minded people and you have done something that helps you take your life to another level. How cool is that!  


Take a quick look at the upcoming editions or vote here for one of the topics you would like to see.

Vote for your favorite topic


Shorombo Mooij

About me


My name is Shoromb and I am  Lifestyle Transformation Coach. It is my mission and work to help as many people as possible to create a life that they REALLY enjoy. I do this in a holistic way, which means that I help people gain more insight into themselves through online and in-person coaching, but also support them in implementing and creating a lifestyle that supports them physically, mentally and emotionally. It's all part of a fulfilling life.  


You can here m before reading about me and what I do as a coach. 

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